thanksgiving day at work place

Spreading the Thanksgiving cheer throughout your company 

Thanksgiving is approaching us in a couple weeks, and most of us are looking forward to celebrating it by enjoying a long weekend with our families and friends and spreading the happy atmosphere with all that we hold close. We, at Timbre Media, wish to do the same too, although we’d like to take the spirit of Thanksgiving a step higher by taking a moment to truly understand the essence of the occasion and extend it to everyone at our workplace. 

Originally celebrated across the United States, Canada, Germany, and Liberia as a festival of giving thanks and being grateful for a good harvest of the past year, Thanksgiving Day is considered a national holiday in these countries when celebrations, feasting, and gifting fill the air. In India too, the spirit of Thanksgiving is rife in organizations, with people remembering to express gratitude to everyone who helps make their business what it is. Employee engagement and fostering happy, healthy relations with people are tremendously stressed at this time. Let’s remember that if it weren’t for the collective effort of all the employees, the support staff, and the people that make a company what it is, we wouldn’t be doing what we are today. 

There are several ways in which one can express gratitude to their team. For one, sending out personalized and well-thought-out cards or thank-you notes to each team member for their contribution to the organization is a good way to create a joyful environment at the workplace. Incorporating shows that include specially curated playlists for Thanksgiving, hosting programmes such as an informal award show where each employee of the organization is celebrated for bringing in their skills and talents to the workplace, and so on, are other ways to extend gratitude to all. 

Let’s not forget our family and friends and all those best wishes that have stood by our side during the tough times of running the business too. So many times, when advice is asked regarding complex business decisions, these are the people that help, guide, and simply stand with us. Surprising them by taking some time off to do activities with them works wonders at extending the Thanksgiving cheer to those beyond your workplace. 

And finally, customers. Don’t forget to thank those on whom your business depends, especially the ones who’ve always been supporters of your organization. A good way to express gratitude to customers is via mailers that include a special and personalized Thanksgiving deal or gift boxes that include a small and thoughtful hamper. Showing your appreciation to customers who have contributed in some way to helping your business grow is the first step in fostering healthy relationships with all those for whom we care.  That said, remember that Thanksgiving is a day to express thanks to everyone we care about, but it shouldn't be the only day that we take the initiative to show our gratitude. This should be something that we always do. What better way to strengthen employee engagement and foster better relationships with people through simple actions every day than to wait for a specific day to do so? Definitely something to incorporate in our workplaces, don’t you think

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