As the world changes, our perspective about it changes too. At Timbre Media, our clients are now not just interested in corporate conundrums but also about personal development and selfhood. And how we must all cope with an unprecedented time in our life. Hence, our podcasts, shows and assorted content has been tailored to address these new questions in the post Covid-19 world. A lot of thought is being invested in how this pandemic will alter who we are and who we will become in the years to come.

In this blog, we discuss some thoughts on what some of the best minds are saying about personal reinvention during the Covid-19 crisis.

Keep Learning

Kimberlee Davis, Host and Founder of The Fiscal Feminist feels the best way to negotiate the current crisis is to reevaluate our finances, focus on our long-term goals, and reflect on our personal identity.

Davis says , there is no limit to the lessons to be learned from the pandemic.

Not only there is now a new normal to adapt to in terms of economic and health adjustment, we need to also manage stress and anxiety on a daily basis. How can we do all this and prepare ourselves for the future? By reinventing the idea that we can either be this or that, says Kimberlee who’s been a corporate securities lawyer, an investment banker, entrepreneur and stay-at-home mom.

As she points out, the changes we make today may not always succeed but she says, a quarantine is a never before opportunity to take leaps of faith. She adds, “ With mouths to feed, bills to pay, and immune systems to protect, taking stock of the bigger picture might seem like a low priority at the moment, but it really shouldn’t be. Ultimately, who we choose to be—in business, in wealth, in family, or just plain spiritually—will determine our paths forward out of this crisis.”

She says, in the current chaos and loss of control, we can control our own sense of self and use this unique time away from normal routine to do some self-reflection and evaluation and ask ourselves some important questions.

Kimberlee’s questions are as follows:

What’s important to my emotional development as a person?

What’s important to my economic goals?

What’s important to my interpersonal relations and social/ethical perspective?

Our answers to the questions must be holistic and practical, she says and we must be honest about what areas can be improved upon. Be it savings, mental health, family equations, health, professional growth.

Going over spending habits, analysing how we use money and time and energy, connect with our creative side and with our family , deal with uncertainty, stillness and occasional anxiety will decide how well we cope with the future.

Think out of the box

Kimberlee says, to readjust your career path, take this opportunity to learn new skills and pursue interests that have been on the back burner. She advises, “The Internet is full of how-to videos and video-networking/coaching platforms that are just a click or swipe away. Use it as a tool for reinvention, not just a vehicle for killing time as we wait for the economy to reopen. Set specific and achievable financial goals, taking one step at a time so as not to get overwhelmed and give up on your strategy in frustration.”

Make a little effort everyday to break out of the ennui that is bound to set in sometimes.

Take a small walk everyday.

Set a morning schedule to include a wellness practice.

Dress every morning as if you are ready to leave for work and designate hours to finishing your official tasks.

Set time aside to explore opportunities that can offer you a more satisfying professional growth.

Make sure to have nutritious meals on time, get enough sleep, a healthy dose of sunlight, quality time with loved ones because as the writer says, the excuse “I don’t have time” is no longer an option.

Give support and find support

Lesley Jane Seymour, editor of CoveyClub, an online club for women says we are living in a time that has given us the chance to reinvent and to adapt to tough changes in a positive way.

And she says, “The only way we are going to get through tough times like this is by leaning on the people we love — our families, our friends, our communities. I also cope with adversity in a particular way: by launching into service to others.”

Which basically means that helping others helps our sense of well being too. So whether we are donating masks, gloves, gowns, face shields, and goggles , like she does to those who need it most or donating money to NGOS supporting animals and out of work artisans, it will all add up to making us feel better about our reality. And expand our identity to include the well-being of others.

If there are questions you want answered be they personal or professional, there are podcasts, webinars and more to help you find information and motivation, she says.

Focus on the big picture

Sanjeev Sinha writes in Financial Express that post Covid-19, reprioritization of life goals has taken place across the board, health has unanimously taken top priority, and personal growth has seen a steep rise.

He writes, “Of all the life goals — Wealth, Fame, Image, Relationships, Personal Growth, and Health — Health remains India’s top-most aspiration and is an unprecedented 6.7 points ahead of the next most important aspirations, clearly indicating how the pandemic and a change in social behaviour have increased the focus on health, both mental and physical. “

Image and Wealth, says he, are no longer the biggest aspirations and their places have been taken by Personal Growth and Relationships.

He also makes an important observation and we quote, “Covid-19 has made the existing flaws in our social and economic systems even more apparent.It also offers us a chance to deliver fundamental reforms that put people at the heart of the global economy.With the right leadership and common purpose, we can do this.”

He cites Klaus Schwab – Chairman of the World Economic Forum In early June, – who called for a ‘great reset’ of our economic and social foundations following the pandemic.

He says, “It is becoming increasingly clear that the global economy is no longer delivering what is needed. The most obvious symptoms of this breakdown include climate change, inequality and populism. Social progress has become decoupled from economic progress. Put simply, we have a design problem. And now Covid-19 is making the flaws even more apparent.We need fundamental reform and civil society, employees and the business community all have a crucial role to play.” This according to him means that individuals and businesses must wed profit with sustainability and inclusiveness to make sure nobody is left out, be they stakeholders, employees, customers, suppliers, local communities or broader society.

He says, we cannot choose between long-term sustainability and short-term improvements in the economy. We need both and must have the willingness to think differently about how our economic systems work.

He concludes and we couldn’t have put it better, “COVID-19 has generated a shared global experience of a defining moment in human history. What is ensuing now is a period of reflection; one where people are not thinking about returning to the world they had, but creating and advancing to the world they want. Given a new sense of purpose engendered by the pandemic, I believe that we can make the leap.”

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